Originally aired on KING-TV on September 27, 2023
Small Town Strings, a band from Curlew, WA, made up of American singer-songwriter Brandi Carlile’s neice Caroline and nephew JayJ, performed in Seattle last month. The teens’ ongoing tour is made possible through taking online classes at Washington Virtual Academies and Insight School of Washington.
To learn more about Washington Virtual Academies, visit https://wava.k12.com/.
To learn more about Insight School of Washington, visit https://insightwa.k12.com/.
While our older son has thrived as a 9th grader at a brick-and-mortar high school, Jackson, who’s now in 7th grade, is enjoying taking 8th grade English and math, as well as high school Spanish and communications classes in a virtual environment.
Both of our sons are experiencing wonderful educational opportunities that are suited to each of them. As a family, we would not be where we are today without school choice.
— Melissa Lopez, Fannett
To learn more about Texas Online Preparatory School, visit https://tops.k12.com/.