A Stride Student Advisor Share Some Tips On Keeping Motivation Levels Up
By Angelina Martinez, Stride Student Advisor
I have always had a hard time starting things, and the more self-discovery I did over the years, the more I realized that I was scared of that uncomfortable feeling that naturally arrives when we try something new. Everyone experiences this, as it is a totally normal part of stepping outside of your comfort zone, and it is nothing to be ashamed of, or to try and hide. As I grew up, and matured as a person overall, I began to fully understand that change is a good thing, and that staying motivated during and after change is vital to success with your goals.
One of the best ways to keep motivation going, especially during the school year, is to track progress. Once of the easiest ways to do this is to keep a log (digital or on paper) of where you started from, and of all the steps you manage to accomplish along the way. This allows you to objectively track your progress, as a student. You can then see what you’ve clearly achieved. It keeps you motivated to continue going forward.
Staying motivated isn’t something that is often taught directly to students in school, but it can be a vital part of the process from month to month, and even from year to year, as you progress. I, honestly, couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing support systems I have, as well, and the motivational people I have surrounding me. It can also be important to have close friends, family members, and classmates nearby, to keep motivation levels high. Having people to cheer you on and to say things like, “You’re doing fantastic! Keep going,” can make a huge difference in how you feel day to day.
In addition, here are some quick tips I have, for high school students, that can help keep motivation up, during the course of the school year:
First, set up a to-do list for each day of the week, and do your very best to complete all of the tasks on that list. As you check off daily tasks that you’ve completed, you will naturally want to keep going. And, often people feel proud when the last take for the day is done and the list can be discarded.
Second, be sure to take breaks throughout each day, and don’t give in to a desire to overwork yourself.
Third, try to learn something new every day. This keeps curiosity up and the urge to explore the world and new ideas satisfied, which can further improve motivation.
Fourth, make sure you set aside extra blocks of time every day, to get caught up on any work that needs to be done in a timely manner. Hitting your deadlines for assignments is critical to success in school, achievements overall, and healthy motivation levels.
And, last but not least, you may want to try selecting a couple of daily affirmations that you like, along with getting regular exercise (and time away from screens) for a clear state of mind.
To read more about attending an online school, be sure to check out What I Learned From Doing Online School For 10 Years.
Stride also has an article to help students new to online high school, so make sure you read 5 Tips For New Online High School Students, too!
And, be sure to check out the 2022 Graduates Speak About Their Online Education podcast.

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