Originally aired on WISHTV – April 26th, 2024
Indiana Gateway Digital Academy is excited today as its e-sports program achieves great success.
With three student teams and one individual player making it to the playoffs this week, the school is proud of its gaming enthusiasts.
The students’ dedication and skill show their love for e-sports and the support they get from the academy’s coaches and staff.
This accomplishment shows how e-sports are becoming more important in school activities.
As the playoffs are near, Indiana Gateway Digital Academy shows how e-sports can be a valuable part of education.
It’s not just fun—it’s where students learn to think strategically, communicate well, and stay cool under pressure.
By celebrating its e-sports teams and players, the academy hopes to inspire others to see gaming as an important part of learning and growing.
To learn more about Indiana Gateway Digital Academy, visit https://ingda.k12.com/.