Originally aired on WILX News 10 – June 4th, 2024
LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – It was the end for high school and the beginning of a new chapter Tuesday for students at the Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy.
More than 200 students from 16 counties came together in person on June 4 for commencement at the Warton Center on Michigan State University’s campus. The head of the school, Kendall Schroeder, said 60% of the graduating class attended the virtual academy all four years of high school.
“Now they’re coming together maybe for the first time and having that connection that they’ve already built somewhere else in classes,” said Schroeder. “Now they get to connect face to face, and this is one of the most special times we can celebrate.”
“It’s very exciting,” said Nora Yaklic, a graduating student. “I have some friends I am seeing for the first time in person, which is a big deal. The same for the teachers; it’s very exciting, it’s very good.”
Nora said she is going to Oakland University to study business.
News 10′s wishes the best of luck to her and the rest of the graduating class!
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To learn more about Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy, visit https://mglva.k12.com/.