Originally published on CITYSunTimes– October 18th, 2023
Every year, almost 6 million students nationwide report being bullied during the school year. In a recent survey of parents, 44% said they enrolled their students in a K12-powered school because of safety and/or bullying-related concerns at a previous school. In recognition of National Bullying Prevention Month this October, Arizona Virtual Academy (AZVA) and Insight Academy of Arizona (ISAZ) have partnered with nonprofit organization Rachel’s Challenge to host a Draw a Line Against Bullying Move-A-Thon Oct. 21-29 to raise awareness of the challenges children face in the wake of bullying and harassment. Powered by the online education solution provider K12, the two schools will raise funds to promote bullying’s harmful effects, and how students, schools and communities can work together to combat them.
As part of their core curriculum and culture, both AZVA and ISAZ teachers and staff receive training throughout the year to identify and address bullying behavior. These programs teach students about the consequences of bullying, the importance of empathy and respect online, and strategies for approaching and reporting incidents. Students are taught what to do if they feel attacked or unsafe online while prioritizing fostering a positive school culture where kindness and respect are valued. Both schools encourage learning and open dialogue about digital citizenship and the role of ethical behavior. Their new partnership with Rachel’s Challenge complements their existing efforts in a fun and positive way.
“National Bullying Prevention Month is a time to educate children about anti-bullying. This month raises awareness of the damage bullying causes our kids. Whether traditional or virtual, schools play a pivotal role in educating students about responsible in-person and online behavior,” said Charles Woods, Jr., Executive Director at AZVA and ISAZ. “In addition to the comprehensive bullying prevention programs we have in place, our association with Rachel’s Challenge and our participation in the Draw a Line Against Bullying Move-A-Thon provides a great opportunity to shed even more light on the importance of working together to end this social epidemic.”
The AZVA and ISAZ Move-A-Thon events will promote kindness through exercise and fundraising efforts. The collaboration is designed to encourage healthy conversations on bullying and cyberbullying and the importance of safe learning environments.
To learn more about Arizona Virtual Academy, please visit https://azva.k12.com.
To learn more about Insight Academy of Arizona, please visit https://insightaz.k12.com/.