Have You Ever Thought About Starting Your Own Business?…
By Courtney White, Stride Success Coach
If so, then you’re in a growing majority of teenagers who want to launch their own businesses, rather than working for someone else. Another term for someone who starts their own business is an “entrepreneur.” As a high school student, becoming an entrepreneur would not only allow you to focus on creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving, but will also provide you with the skills needed for your next steps in life.
I know, the phrase “start your own business” can sound rather daunting. Without any further context, it can sound like lots of money and/or resources are needed, but this does not have to be the case. In fact, you may already be an entrepreneur, without even knowing it.
For instance, have you ever set up and carried out tutoring services, for a friend or classmate? How about babysitting for neighbors or relatives? Do you have experience mowing lawns, pet sitting, selling things online, or with graphic design services? These are all things that you can turn into your own business. If you are, or have, earned money doing any of these tasks while working for yourself, then you’re already an entrepreneur!
Some other examples of things teens can do to set out on the journey of entrepreneurship include:
- Website Development
- Social media influencing
- Personal training
- Social justice advocacy
- Baking
- Dog walking
- Photography
- Car washing
- House cleaning
- Designing and selling t-shirts
- Providing music lessons
- Blogging
- Podcasting
- Live stream gaming
These are just some popular examples. However, you may be sitting on an even more brilliant and lucrative idea. There is a saying that “entrepreneurs are made, not born.” This simply means that anyone can become an entrepreneur with the right mindset, a profitable business idea, the willingness to work hard, to learn from setbacks and not be deterred by rejection.
Statistics show that about 90% of startup businesses fail; 10% of those fail within the first year. This information isn’t to discourage you from launching that great idea you have into your own successful business; it is to make you aware of the reality, so that if you do not have booming success right at the start, that you do not quit! Many other young entrepreneurs have faced the same obstacles and, through perseverance, were able to overcome it. They went on to be their own bosses and live the life of their dreams.
Still not convinced that starting a business may be for you? If you’re wondering whether you would make a good fit as an entrepreneur, quiz yourself on these five things:
- Do you enjoy taking risks?
- Is creativity your strength?
- Are you a naturally confident person?
- Do you like to start your own projects?
- Are you motivated by solving problems and challenges?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you’d likely make a great entrepreneur! To get started, you will want to explore and experiment with ideas, to find the right business for you. Then you will want to create a plan, research how to connect with your target audiences, and develop your product. If you can discipline yourself to stay committed to the process, you’ll reap generous benefits, which can reward you for years to come.
To learn even more from our Stride Success Coaches, be sure to read the Finding Your Path article, for additional career prep advice.
Interested in becoming a teen entrepreneur, with a focus on agriculture? Be sure to read the article, Becoming An Agriculture Entrepreneur!
Be sure to visit the High School Student Entrepreneurship Resource Center, for more information on starting a business, to growing an existing one, or leveraging your side job skills for the future!
To learn more about Stride Career Prep Success Coaching for teens and how it prepares them for life after high school through career exploration or college readiness, visit this site: https://www.k12.com/career-and-college-prep/career-prep/offerings-curriculum-and-services/success-coaching/

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